Välkommen till ADVETO!
Zeatec Group new owner of Adveto
Zeatec Group buy all shares in Adveto, Advanced Technology, and moves the head office from Spånga
to Landskrona. The office in Spånga will continue to be operated by Kent Sylvén, the founder of Adveto....
Interoperable ship and shore centre services - STM
Adveto is involved in the STM Validation project as an Associate Partner. The project has now made the first operational tests between shore centre manufacturers and ECDIS....
Adveto startar utvecklingen av nya ECDIS G8!
ECDIS G8 är en helt ny produkt men utrustad med en “Classic Mode” med samma kontroller och presentation som vår nuvarande ECDIS system. Den nya ECDIS G8 kommer också att bli kompatibel med all existerande Adveto hårdvara som Keyboards, Kontrol enheter, ESIG, SCU etc. Vårt nuvarande ECDIS-4000 kommer att finnas kvar i många år parallellt med ECDIS G8.
En helt ny Adveto Communication Unit ACU tas fram för att förenkla kommunikatonen med ECDIS G8.
Multitouch och pinch zoom stöds också av nya G8
225 ECDIS STM systems - Adveto is one of three selected suppliers!
Starting 2015 and running till the end of 2018 the STM Validation Project will demonstrate the STM concept in large-scale test beds in both the Nordic and Mediterranean Seas, encompassing around 300 vessels, 10 ports and 5 shore based service centers as well as using the European Maritime Simulator Network. The key strategic enablers of STM will be tested and validated.
Nytt uppdaterat typgodkännande för ECDIS-4000 -
Tillgängligt nu !
Adveto kan nu erbjuda en preslib 4.0 uppgradering som en av de första tillverkarna. Vårt uppgraderade ECDIS certifikat erbjuder också stöd för STM (Sea Traffic management) och det nya RTZ rutt formatet.
VG observera att detta är en ren program uppgradering!
Ingen Hårdvara behöver bytas ut eller ersättas, all befintlig Adveto ECDIS hårdvara kan man fortsätta med.
Viktig information angående ECDIS-4000
Alla nuvarande ECDIS-4000 system är utrustade med IHO presentation library v3.4 oberoende av version:BASE, STD eller EXT. Det finns en sluttidpunkt då preslib 3.4 inte längre är godkänd för typgodkänd ECDIS. Denna tidpunkt är 2017-08-31. Efter denna tidpunkt behöver ECDIS-4000 uppgraderas, i likhet med alla andra typgodkända ECDIS.
Sluttidpunkten blev nyligen framflyttad från 2016-08-31 till 2017-08-31 av IMO NCSR.
Read more here!
Idag firar vi 30-års jubileum !
Vi vill tacka våra entuastiska återförsäljare, konsulter och alla andra som dragit sitt strå till stacken och gjort framgångarna med Adveto möjliga. Vi tackar naturligtvis också, sist men inte minst, våra fantastiska kunder !
Order from Norled regarding Adveto ECS!
Shipowner Norled, formerly Tide,in Norway continues their navigation standard. Their HSC High Speed Crafts are equipped with typeapproved Adveto ECDIS-4000. The latest order is regarding carferry Melderskin. Advetos partner Westronic received the order and will conduct the installation, commissioning and training.
Norled orders more Adveto ECDIS!
Shipowner Norled, formerly Tide,in Norway continues their navigation standard. Their HSC High Speed Crafts are equipped with typeapproved Adveto ECDIS-4000. The latest is HSC Tjelden. Advetos partner Westronic received the order and will conduct the installation, commissioning and training.
Norled orders more Adveto ECDIS!
Shipowner Norled, formerly Tide,in Norway continues their navigation standard. Their HSC High Speed Crafts are equipped with typeapproved Adveto ECDIS-4000. The latest is a dual-ECDIS on HSC Brage. Advetos partner Westronic received the order and will conduct the installation, commissioning and training.
Mälarviktoria upgraded to latest version!
This upgrade will be conducted by Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult in Stockholm.
Evert Taube now equipped with Adveto ECS!
Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult will conduct the installation, commissioning and training.
Diana upgraded to latest version!
This upgrade will be conducted by Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult in Stockholm.
Viggen upgraded to latest version!
This upgrade will be conducted by Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult in Stockholm.
Roslagen upgraded to latest version!
This upgrade will be conducted by Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult in Stockholm.
Västanvik upgraded to latest version!
This upgrade will be conducted by Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult in Stockholm.
Gripen now equipped with Adveto ECS!
Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult will conduct the installation, commissioning and training.
Test with ETAMAN now at HSC Admiral!
Testa now along the Norwegian "Flagruten" with the new Adveto ETAMAN.
Sunnan now equipped with Adveto ECS!
Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult will conduct the installation, commissioning and training.
Birka Stockholm upgraded to latest version!
This upgrade will be conducted by Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult in Stockholm.
Stena Caster upgraded to latest version!
This upgrade will be conducted by Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult in Stockholm.
Karl-Erik upgraded to latest version!
This upgrade will be conducted by Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult in Stockholm.
Migg now equipped with Adveto ECS!
Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult will conduct the installation, commissioning and training.
Gibb now equipped with Adveto ECS!
Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult will conduct the installation, commissioning and training.
Merkurius upgraded to latest version!
This upgrade will be conducted by Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult in Stockholm.
Silverpilen upgraded to latest version!
This upgrade will be conducted by Advetos partner GPS Marinkonsult in Stockholm.
Simulator/Emulator to Reval maritime School!
Prestige order från Viking Line!
Omfattar totalt fyra (4) kompletta typgodkända ECDIS-4000 EXT för installation ombord ms Amorella, Gabriella, Rosella och Mariella. Beställningarna går via Advetos återförsäljare GPS Marinkonsult som kommer att ombesörja installation, uppstart och utbildning.
Läs pressmeddelandet från Adveto !