Adveto first in the world
Adveto is the first ECDIS manufacturer to implement the download of electronic charts (ENC) from PRIMAR direct into the ECDIS.
Adveto is also the first ECDIS manufacturer to have both the electronic download and the possibility to order ENC´s directly via the ECDIS computer onboard.
DNV tests for the type approval for ECDIS
DNV has tested and approved the system solution consisting of both hardware and software and the PRIMAR service.
The typeapproved ECDIS is connected to Internet via the Adveto ESIG (ECDIS Security Internet Gate) hardware especially designed by Adveto for this purpose.
Simple to use!
Just one click and the ENC download starts automatically. The updates are in S-63 format but are compressed so the download is quick. The download is executed in the background so it will not disturb the normal navigation on the ECDIS.
The latest navigation data
With this solution the latest data is always loaded into the ECDIS. With other ECDIS-solutions, the ENC cells are stored in an ENC database in the ECDIS and just unlocked for access. There is a risk that the folio onboard is not properly updated, presenting older ENC data than the latest available.
Make a route - then order the ENC´s along the route and then immidiate download of the latest available chartdata from PRIMAR !